Interactive, text-based learning for women on Sefer Bereshit.
Are you looking for inspiring Torah ideas combined with thorough and insightful textual analysis? Start your week with a deep dive into the parasha, joining a group of dedicated learners and guided by expert Torah teachers. Both Rebbetzin Dr Fromson and Rabbanit Herzog will bring fresh approaches to Sefer Bereshit, the Book of Genesis, shedding light on the rich narrative and providing fascinating psychological insights into the characters and stories.
Source sheets are provided by the preceding Friday, and to gain the most from this course, we suggest preparing for each class by learning through the sources. You are invited to join students who learn through the sources at 9:30am, one hour prior to the class, either at LSJS or on Zoom.
The class itself starts at 10:30am and will be taught via Zoom. You can join the class in person at LSJS in a ‘Bet Midrash style’ with others, or from home. Classes will build on the sources and offer opportunity for discussion - and you’ll always leave with a relevant and meaningful idea to take into your week.
Rabbanit Leah Herzog
28.10 Noach - The Rainbow: Arc of the Covenant
4.11 Lech Lecha - The Convergence of Faith and Questioning
16.12 Vayeshev - On the Evolution of Yosef
Rebbetzin Dr Hadassah Fromson
11.11 Vayera - Boundaries of Justice and Mercy
18.11 Chayei Sarah - Avraham’s Constant Commitment to Clarity
25.11 Toldot - Yaakov's Dappling in Deception: When is it ok to trick someone?
9.12 Vayishlach - Blurred boundaries: How Yaakov navigates his relationships
This course is for women only. Online only (with option of learning from the LSJS campus available)
If you would like to pay for one session to try out the course, please contact the LSJS office at (when you sign up for the full course the first session will be deducted).