- KOOTH online counselling

KOOTH online counselling

Home Support Wellbeing

KOOTH online counselling

aged 11 to 25

KOOTH online counselling: Supporting young people’s mental health

Your online mental wellbeing community

Free, safe and anonymous support

Young people’s lives have been severely impacted this year with school closures and the cancellation of exams which is why we want to ensure they have the mental health support they need while deciding on next steps for the next academic year. We want young people to know that it’s normal to experience feelings of stress and/or anxiety, and that talking about your feelings can help – which can be much easier to do with someone anonymous. The service is not only available to students receiving exam results, but to any young person aged 11 to 25, who would like to receive confidential support and advice.

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If you are aware of any information which would be useful to post on please email


