- Audio of Purim Story

Audio of Purim Story

Home Education Purim

Audio of Purim Story

Originally released by ToraVision™ in the early 1990’s

The Purim Story by Rabbi Yossi Kirsch and Sruly Greenwald set the standard for Purim storytelling. Originally released by ToraVision™ in the early 1990’s, The Purim story went on to become the prolific children’s tape of the generation, both at home and in classrooms world-wide. Step back in time and experience one of the most suspenseful episodes in Jewish history. Hear Mordechai as he warns the people not to attend the king’s banquet. Listen to Haman and Achashverosh scheme to destroy the Jews. Follow the saga of B’nai Yisroel as they return to Hashem.

Scroll down to listen to the recording (it is just over an hour and a half)


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