- Verified campaigns collecting for Israel

Verified campaigns collecting for Israel

Home Government Israel

Verified campaigns collecting for Israel

Please be generous

1. GIFT (UK tax receipt) 
For essential items to be sent to soldiers on the front line.

2. Schimmel, Kanter and Corin families. (UK tax receipt) 
Supporting relocation, basic necessities, funeral costs, and crucial emotional support for families in the South.

3. Migdal Ohr UK (UK tax receipt)
Critical supplies for Israeli Soldiers

4.  ''Gates of Tears'' (שערי דמעה) (Shekel Campaign)
Critical supplies and support for Israeli Soldiers

5. Emunah 

Unit 2     74 Grove Park London NW9 0DD  020 8203 6066  

The need for extra hours of trauma therapy is going to be beyond measure and Emunah is there to deal with this.

6.  Ner Yisrael Shul Gemach or for the dedicated CAF Donate page:

Please attach the label “Israel Appeal” to any donations so that we can make sure that all monies are forwarded correctly. 

There is a shortage of many items across Israel among our dear soldiers,  lifesaving protective gear and equipment is needed immediately. Helmets, vests, ceramic bullet proof vests etc. Many soldiers currently have equipment that either is too old or out of date, and many of them are reserve soldiers who are missing equipment. We must keep our soldiers as safe and as effective as possible!
Sally-Ann Thwaites and Cheryl Bradfield have turned to us to partner and raise much needed funds to purchase these crucial protective items. Sulamot and La'Ofek - my non-profits organizations- have extensive experience working with the government and the army to provide critical needs for our soldiers, and I turn to you to partner with us and enable us to give this emergency aid now where it is needed most.
We have established a designated fund to raise money for this crucial and time-sensitive need for our Soldiers who are fighting on behalf of all us!
This is the time for Am Yisrael to unite and bring crucial help to our brothers and sisters. We need your significant support. Every donation is meaningful and enables us to help more soldiers and civilians.
חזק ונתחזק בעד עמינו ובעד ערי אלוהינו
Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon

For tax deductible donations in USD:
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For tax deductible Australian donations - see Chai Charitable details below but earmark for "Sulamot - protective gear": 
Chai Charitable Foundation Ltd
Bank NAB BSB: 083028
A/C: 580178146
Ref: Sulamot
ABN: 82617023293
Deductible Gift Recipient

Credit card for AUS:-

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